Wednesday, 22 January 2014


God has an appointed time to visit an individual. May your appointed time bring you utmost joy. In 1Kings 18: 41-45, at the seventh time of intensive prayer, the servant of the man of God saw a small sign in the sky, yet when the rain would fall, it was massive. This simply tells us that whenever God is to do something great, He starts small. Due to lack of understanding of this, many people have missed God’s plan for their lives. They say God told them He was going to use them mightily but they wonder why they are being given very negligible assignments now. They turn down the small assignment and miss the big ones that could have come out of the small. For those who are over selective concerning matters that God has spoken about, please heed this warning. There are small jobs whose assignment in your life is not to give you your desired haven of rest and comfort, but to link you up with the choice job or assignment! Be very careful how you will be assessed on how you handled the smaller jobs or tasks to determine whether you qualify for the big? If you fail in the little, you may be truncated from the big ones.
Zechariah 4: 10 says you should not despise the days you started small. Those in senior ecclesiastical positions today did not get there overnight. They started small and today they have been promoted to where they currently are. The mustard seed is the smallest among seeds yet its tree is a giant. Some people want to start a business but continue to wait until they have a large capital when others have started similar business with a very little amount. Let God begin something great through you. Be ready to start small. Do not be afraid to take that step. Some people who are fighting to get a job where designed not to be employees, but employers of labour. Jobs 8:7 assures you that as long as you are with the Lord, your latter end shall be very great.  
Courtesy open Heaven by Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Some time ago, I was in a restaurant waiting patiently for my turn, a young lady pressed forward and placed her order. Meanwhile, the waiter was still attending to the person in front of me. Suddenly, the young lady burst into rage, popped her fingers in the air, while rolling her neck and eyes and said to the waiter, “what is the matter with you? What is going on here? Are you not going to answer me or what? Or you want me to leave with my money?”

As she was vibrating, I could feel the heat emanating from her body mixed with the aggression coming from her voice. The waiter, completely taken aback by the sudden outburst of the young lady who was just coming, asked in surprise, “didn’t she come before you?” referring to the person in front of me.

To resolve the insurgence, I added my voice to that of the waiter. I said, with a very soft tongue “she even came before me”. And as the Bible puts it, soft tongue breaks bones. The waiter breathes a sigh of relief and the vibrating young lady mellowed down like a deflating tube. She was immediately humbled and she realised that she was just exhibiting gross impatience. For we came before her and we had every right to leave before her.

After this incidence and a couple of other ones that I’ve seen and I know you must have experienced a couple of such yourself, this question kept coming to me, is patience still a virtue?

This post will not be complete without your input. So please kindly contribute by responding to the question and tell why you think people are no longer that patient. Please no insulting, slanderous, or vulgar comments. For we have all show some level of impatience one time or the other.


Monday, 6 January 2014


I wish to adhere to a standard that profess my personal faith in Jesus Christ in all the subject matter that I’ll be developing in this blog. I intend to be true: i.e. to be authentic and correspond to reality, noble: promote content that motivate people and call for their best qualities, just: righteous or consistent with the commandment of God and godly living, pure: i.e. chaste, modest, clean and to correct the current trends of sexualizing everything, lovely: the contents on this blog must be aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, of good report: it shall be commendable or of high reputation, virtuous: it’ll promote high values and praiseworthy: the contents shall be recommendable to family members or friends with the confidence that they will be built up and grateful that they took the time to read and enjoy it. Please ensure that you conform to these standards as you contribute by adding your posts.