wish to adhere to a standard that profess my personal faith in Jesus Christ in all
the subject matter that I’ll be developing in this blog. I intend to be true: i.e. to be authentic and
correspond to reality, noble: promote
content that motivate people and call for their best qualities, just: righteous or consistent with the
commandment of God and godly living, pure:
i.e. chaste, modest, clean and to correct the current trends of sexualizing
everything, lovely: the contents on
this blog must be aesthetically pleasing
and beautiful, of good report: it
shall be commendable or of high reputation,
virtuous: it’ll promote high values and praiseworthy: the contents shall be recommendable to family members
or friends with the confidence that they will be built up and grateful that
they took the time to read and enjoy it. Please ensure that you conform to
these standards as you contribute by adding your posts.